About us
At Trekkerfolk we love getting out into nature. We also love knowing that our gear is going to keep us safe and warm. This means lots of great kit ends up lying around waiting to be used. We wanted to create a sharing platform where top quality kit and great outdoor brands are available to everyone, and help people make some cash at the same time.
A few years ago I started hiking around the Scottish coast and fell in love with it. I created Trekkerfolk because I couldn't find a local outdoor gear rental platform that offered the product variety I was looking for.
If you have good quality hiking or camping gear lying around I'd love for you to get involved. To get things started, you can take a look at the 2 person tent that I used on the John o'Groats Trail or the Osprey 40 litre backpack I recently used on the Camino Portugese!
Amy, Founder
What we're all about...
Let's share what we already own! Good quality outdoor gear can be expensive and often different trips require different specialist kit.
There are so many benefits to getting outdoors. Nature teaches us to slow down and be present.
By sharing gear, we can reduce our consumption and care for the things we already own.